Latte Lit Book Club

Ready, set, read!

Latte Lit Book Club is a club for anyone interested in re-engaging with the lost art of reading for pleasure.

There are no assignments to hang over your head, no right or wrong interpretations—just honest engagement and fun projects to create to flex your creativity.

Immerse yourself in a good book, simply for the love of reading and making. 

Step aside, Hot Girl Summer. This year we're not just pining, we're getting existential, too. And rediscovering what it means to be ourselves, in a gay-ennui way. Iced coffee in one hand, and annotated second-hand books in the other.

We'll read, discuss, and then create something in response to our readings; poetry, art, collage, and manic ranting are encouraged.

The above links you to a Google form that acts as our suggestion box. 

Bonus points if you have titles and tales in mind, too!